
“Start a hobby, begin with art,
Turn it into business, that’s the part,
Grow your talent, play it smart.”

True for everything: You got to start somewhere. Whether you have a terrific education or didn’t finish high school, whether you are 10-year-old or 75, there are art forms for anybody.
Creativity, ambition, determination and persistence are the counting factors.
We are aware of Lawyers switching to culinary, high school kids doing fantastic drawings, CEO’s getting involved in film production, 80-year-olds writing poems and publishing books, the list goes on.
Good for newbies to know also: Rome hasn’t been built in one day, so things will take a little time, but as a skill is developed, there is the start of your potential sideline. Play around with marketing, use this platform to show your talent, connect your profile to your social media or website and bingo your sideline may develop into a full blown business.
Our goal is to provide members with ideas and help them get started, educating them in matters of
Business practices
Skill sets
Social media
Our mentors love to help you getting started.
At sign-up below enter PROMO CODE NAF100 for a 100% discount. No Credit Card needed.


You are working solo, maybe as a hobby and want to show your creations to a wider audience or connect with others.

Membership including


You are working to actively sell your creations and like to promote them on our platform

Membership including


You are a performing artist/ artistic group, a supplier or join as a venue like museum, theater, performing arts center, fair, market, etc.

Membership including


You are a performing artist/ artistic group, a supplier or join as a venue like museum, theater, performing arts center, fair, market, etc.

Membership including