FAQ (A to Z)


Cancel Membership        

In Member Dashboard scroll down to “My Memberships”, click on cancel


Group Header – Image    

Contact support to request a change of the group header image.


Images Uploads

Allowed number of images per member level:

Individual: 5 images

Professional: 15 images

Corporate: 20 images


Images / Videos not loading

Why are some images or videos not loading? Sometimes and with some devices Virus protection software or VPN’s can affect device behavior. Turn these apps off temporarily one by one to check which one is the culprit.



Pending Approval Why? 

Too many scams out there to count. We do not want to contaminate content with pill, sex or other obscene ads. Our review board typically approves content within a few hours.


Profile / post profile image       

Go to member dashboard, click on post image, follow instructions in the “upload image” form, when done submitting, please note that all images are subject to approval which typically will happen with 24 hours.


Profile / post Showcase image 

Go to member dashboard, scroll down past “My Images” to payment form

Fill the form, select images, add payment details, then Click the submit/pay now button

Image will be displayed in a Showcase pending payment approval. If member is individual/professional, image will be in the Artist’s showcase. If the member has a corporate account, image will be displayed on supplier, fair, museum, etc. showcase.